Today's run was a scheduled 6 miles. I ran a one mile warm up then ran hard for 4 (7:41,7:39,7:31,7:20) and finished with a one mile cool down. Even though I had a very tough run on Sunday my speed has really kicked up a notch. So, we'll see what happens with Sunday's 14 miler.
Monthly Summary: This was a record month of mileage for me finishing with a total of 163.8 miles. Training is proceeding well, I just need to continue to season the legs for the long runs. As of this writing I believe that there are about 65 days until the marathon. That's two months!
I would like to say that my running has become much less off a chore than it was in the beginning. I don't think much at all of going out for a quick 5 or 6 mile run and I look forward to the Sunday long run challenges. The excitement of the marathon is beginning to build as it grows closer.
I found a good article yesterday with some nice tips for first time marathon runners.
Excellent article - just a terrific resource to have read as i prepare for my first marathon. thank you!